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 Price list

I am open to almost any kind of drawn commissions, as long as I am able to do it. 

Every payment will be done half before I start, and half after the picture is done. You will be kept updated on my progress and if there are any changes, you can tell me. 

Picture to Anime
Send me a picture and I will transform it into an anime. 
  1. Manga style - $10

  2. Colors - $ 20

  3. For more characters, myltiply the price with the nr of characters. 

  1. Manga style - $ 5

  2. Colors - $ 8 

  3. For more characters, myltiply the price with the nr of characters. 

Chibi style
Anime picture
Describe what you would want, send some refferences and I will make it. 
  1. Bust - $ 8.50

  2. Half body - $ 15.50

  3. Full Body - $ 25.50


For more characters, myltiply the price with the nr of characters. 


Backgrounds are extra: between $5 and $30, depending on complexity.

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